Discussing and Researching Gambling to create a Better Future

Researching Gambling Addiction to Create a Better Future

The European Association for the Study of Gambling (EASG) aims to increase the level of dialogue between its members and other interested individuals and parties representing all aspects of gambling.

At our company, we are dedicated to understanding the complexities of gambling addiction and finding effective solutions. Through research and collaboration, we aim to make a positive impact on individuals and communities affected by this issue.

Join us in Rome at the upcoming EASG Conference 10 - 13 September 2024

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EASG conference 2024


Women & Gambling Disorder (update 2024)
May 21, 2024

Women & Gambling Disorder (update 2024)

Increases in gambling activity and related problems among women may be related to ever-expanding online gambling opportunities and "new game forms" on the internet with changing gaming patterns and aggressive advertising targeted at women.

Other conferences

National Association for Gambling Studies Ltd (NAGS)
Sea World, Gold Coast, QLD
20th - 22nd November 2024

Theme: What works to reduce gambling harm? “It takes a village”

Publications & books

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Piblications and books image.

About EASG

The Association provides a forum for the systematic study, discussion and dissemination of knowledge about all matters relating to the study of gambling in Europe and promotes the comparative study of:

About EASG image.

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